Finnish Filmmakers are at it again.

I got this funky press release a bit back and kept spacing on posting it. I tell you, you’ve got to keep an eye on those wild folks from Finland. They are really starting to lead a movement in ‘from the ground up’ film making. A bit indy beyond indy film.

Do you really know someone before you’ve learned his darkest secrets? Finnish writer/director Miro Laiho is asking this question with his next film “8”, which is a 30-minute psychological horror film and the best thing is that it will be posted free on the internet.

“8” tells a story about people who have to relive their worst memories and re-experience their most painful traumas all over again. The film is based on the theory of 8 circuits of consciousness created by the LDS-psychologist Timothy Leary in the 1960’s and 70’s. It combines Inception, David Lynch and Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind.

Official website of “8”

“My dream is to raise the awareness of Finnish genre film on an international level, because I think that we Finns have the potential to create not only the everyday drama or comedy films but something more out of our crazy imagination. “8” merges dark drama to psychological horror reaching surreal levels. I’ve always been fascinated by the structure of human mind and how we maintain defence mechanisms and therefore a certain false identity, unable to find our true selves.“, director Miro Laiho states.

Director wants to thank you in advance for supporting the project “8” on Indie Gogo
and thus he gives you all of his previous films for free:

The Reach (FIN: Loppuun palaneet) 2010
(made in 48 hours, was nominated for best cinematography and sound design / music in the Uneton 48 short film competition)

The Border Guard (FIN: Rajavartija) 2010

The Awakening (FIN: Herääminen) 2009
(Miro Laiho’s directorial debut, winner of best short film’s award in Iik! Horror Film Festival of 2009.)

Laiho is doing his written thesis in Tampere School of Art and Media about the subject "Innovative methods in short film marketing and funding." It is related to the crowd funding campaign started about a month ago at the crowd funding site Indie Gogo. “8” is also the thesis work of the director of photography, film editor and digital effects supervisor. It will be a business card to help the film students jump into the professional world as filmmakers and thus is a very important film to them.

Support the film in the crowd funding – page:

In the film’s official website you’ll find an interactive trailer, making of – material, concept art and much more: