
Sooooo…I and the nerdy girl who is kindly enough to sleep next to me and give me smoochies were talking this AM about Micha’s family. I still assert that they all have powers of one sort or another (including that lazy ass cousin) but we were speculating as to what they would be and, expanding, what Generation Previous’ powers are or were. What do you all think? Anything amazing in that generation?

Roll Wild!

Happy Dicemas!

Today is Dicemas, the high holy festival of RPG players. Buy your beloved gamer some dice, or, if a gamer your self, buy some of your beloved gamer bros and sis’es some dice.

Then go out and game!

DICEMAS! Hooray!


Things I like and am not entirely sure why.

-The new ‘She Wants Revenge’ CD.

-Canada Dry Ginger Ale

-Dave’s Insanity Sauce

-Meerkat Manor


-Forgotten Realms Fiction

-D20 Modern

-Land of the Dead (It really is a fairly mediocre movie, but I love it for some reason)

My Manifesto – Such as it is

My Manifesto, such as it is

Obviously, many a person has written a manifest, perhaps not on quite a hinkey keyboard as me just now. I’m doing it though.

-Stop strip mining our pop cultural past!

It wasn’t that great to begin with,. Please leave everything behind us alone except as ideations for your future conceptions. I know this is obvious and everyone hits on it, but this time please pay attention. Please?

–Stop hiding actual meaning in metaphorical meaning.

Unless, you know, it is all ‘artsy’. Otherwise, please stop acting like ‘they just don’t get it’. We do get it, we aren’t as stupid as you think. Oddly enough, most of the ‘sheeple’ are awake, they just don’t care. Make them care if you have a message. If you have to say “it isn’t meant for X’ then you don’t have much of a message do you?

–Start trading in actual content value

Don’t go for shocking. In the age of the net everyone knows pig bestiality. Shock doesn’t equate to meaning. Blow the dust off that one and show me something new. And not pig + goatse. Move on. Shocking is tired.

— Start grabbing hold of all your net’ties

Don’t be an anti-art tool on my space while writing heart rending poetry on livejournal (unless it has something to do with Cthulhu) . Be seamless in your Net-Presence.

(note, I said that here first c.Matt Cowger)


Software Updates In Order Of Obnoxiousness

1. Adobe-any product. I think the main product of Adobe labs are the most time consuming, insistent and annoying updates known to humans. Cross your fingers, they are almost there.

2. Avast! Antivirus. These guys have a software update every day if you forget to turn off auto updating. No, I am not joking.

3. Quicktime. "No I don’t want iTunes", click "No I don’t want iTunes" click. Repeat until the heat death of the universe.

4. Java. Thankfully Java doesn’t update often but when they do you can forget about doing much else with your computer until it is done.

5. Microsoft. Most of us know this one.

An Exchange

I forgot this exchange from game night I meant to include in the write up of game night.


Craig talking strategy to Mike and indicating an elevated area where he could get good ranged attacks.

Craig: You could climb up there, that way you could look down on people.

Me: Sort of like I do.

Craig (without even pausing): Yeah, but he would have a reason.


It’s moments like that that make me love game night.

On other topics. I am reading the newest Brian Keane novel ‘Dead Sea’ and I have to say I am pretty disappointed. It is a lot more draggy then ‘The Rising’ or ‘City of the Dead’ and full of a LOT of unnecessary dialogue. There was one moment where I had to pause and think "Ok, I get it. You read some Joseph Campbell, enough already." I’d steer clear of this one unless you are a die hard fan.

Avast ye impromtu game nighters!

[ Amused Mood: Amused ]
Tonight Team Cthulhu had an impromptu game night event. It was pretty off the cuff and the only thing I wanted to play was Pirates! I was a little late out of the gate because of prior evening events (I blame our host for hauling me to a bar where I gave my money to struggling unclothed young women in need of financial assistance). Anyway, I got the ham and beans cooking and we were off!

We started with Wizkids Pirates! and set out the always cool oceanic table and 3 d islands.


We all headed for various and sundry wild islands trying to avoid one another at first…

That didn’t last long though as Ed developed a taste for battle and sent his whole fleet after Corey’s armada of fast moving junks (trust me, there were tons of ‘junk’ jokes…we are gamers after all).

In the distance, conflict was brewing.

Which turned into one of the biggest fleet vs fleet fights we’ve seen so far. Many rules were debated. I am going to look at the errata asap.

Corey went on to win what was a fairly close round. He really did put together a great fleet.

Of course all of this overseen by the mighty Sherman, in a stylin’ Team Cthulhu shirt. He is seeking a sponsorship here.(The bloodthirsty Pirate Ed is in the background)

After that we decided to play some HorrorClix. Craig suggested with number of people we do a scenario type game and suggested a Dawn of the Dead type scenario he had from on line. We didn’t have a mall map, so we used an office map. We then divided into two teams of 400 points each, three to a side, survivors vs. zombies.

Survivors: Myself, Ed and Sherman.

Zombies: Corey, Mike and Craig.

This proved to be a pretty evenly matched game (in spite of some griping by Mike to the contrary). We set up and started moving our forces into position.

Battle split into two fronts, with Sherman and Ed trying to contain Corey’s forces of zombie sorrority girls and lawyers on one side…

and my very effective force of two agents and a priest creating a killer bottleneck on the other.

On my side the slaughter was pretty immense and I only lost one guy. It came down to my remaining forces against one lone zombie lawyer. Corey conceeded making this my first ever HorrorClix win (and my team of course).

Being full and tired we decided to play some Fantasy Munchkin to finish out the night.

Things got wild at the end…

All in all, for an off the cuff TC game night, a good time and some good eats.


The game starts with the Friday Nighters, as usual, sitting around a crappy plastic table on bad plastic chairs in the breeze-way on the sixth floor outside of (x)s apartment. Old Thompson comes down to talk to the boys and play a little five card draw.

A standard, quiet night in the project.