the little things

[ Sleepy Mood: Sleepy ]
Minor moments from movies and TV that I will never forget.

-Fellowship of the Ring. Boromir is leaning against the door in Moria and with and expression that radiates ‘oh frelling wonderful’ says, "They’ve got a cave troll"

-The end of the last episode of Babylon 5 where JMS as a maintance worker flips the switch and blows up B5.

-The Thing. They go out to talk to Dr. Blair in the shack. Blair tries to calmly convince them he is fine and to be let back into the station, hanging over Blair’s shoulder you see a noose.

-Serenity. The gasping startling moment of Wash’s death.

-Unbreakable. The quiet moment at the dinner table where David Dunn slides the newspaper over to his son showing him as the rescuer of the little girls.

-Farscape. Chricton trying to teach D’Argo rock,paper,scissors.

-Brazil. When Tuttle and the rogue heating engineers come to the rescue.

-Session 9. The final reveal on Gordon and the very last line of the film.

not to do list

Things you probably shouldn’t be doing:

-Hassling The Hoff

-Messing with Texas

-Doing the hokey-pokey (unsupervised)

-Squeezing the Charmin

-re-broadcasting a sporting event without express written permission.

-Staring into the sun.

-Pityin’ the fool (unless you are Mr. T)

Clear the air

I want to point out that I don’t hate nudists, I am just tired of them and all their nakedness. It is winter in Kansas and no time for nudists to be all nude. Sure I’ve heard the anti-nudite arguments, I’ve seen the televised ad campaigns of the nakedists. We all have mixed and sometimes violent feelings about this, usually in mall food courts.

I’m not trying to take a side, I’m just saying….keep it off my lawn.

Penn Says

I’m all about some Penn & Teller. BS is one of my favorite shows on television. They are the consummate skeptics, Penn now his own web broadcast thingie over on Crackle. Penn is someone to whom I will generally (99.99%) agree with the opinion of. I look forward to seeing where this goes.


[ Embarrased Mood: Embarrased ]
Note to self:

Do not eat horseradish hot pickles. Then wait for about 20 minutes and then, because you forgot you ate them, put in a contact lens with unwashed hands.

My right eye looks like something from one of the Hostel movies.

weird addictions

This doesn’t really have anything to do with genre stuff, but I have gotten completely hooked on this "blog" where a guy is reposting letters his grandfather wrote back in WW1. It is moving at times and plays out an amazing story of an ordinary guy caught up in incredible events. I’m biting my nails waiting to see if Harry makes it out of the war alive.