decades ago

The past kind of tires me. I watch dudes 5 to 10 years younger then me on SNL wearing ‘retro’ fashion. When I see Bill Hader wearing an Atari shirt it makes me kind of want him hamstrung. I’m not a huge fan of celebrating my youth, but I would also like it to be left the hell alone by those that weren’t there.

But the past is another country and these younger dudes should feel free to play Magellan, why not? We live in now. So you feel like both a defender of shared history and someone who should say let it go.


[ Sleepy Mood: Sleepy ]
My first pass at the template our GM put out for our Wild Talents character. I’m playing kind of a ghostly ‘killer of killers’ type.


Real Name: David Jansen
Description: A thin, tall man in his late 20s early 30s. He has short
cut brown hair and somewhat washed out looking blue eyes. He seems to
be in very good, if lean condition. He has several scars on his hands
and back.
Alias: Shroud
Costume: Usually just jump (military) boots, and black fatigue pants
with a dark tshirt and leather jacket. If on the job he also adds thin
leather gloves, a microweave kevlar vest and sunglasses.

Passions & Loyalties: He is very dedicated to the job. While he has no
illusions about who his employers are he also knows that if he shows
up at someone’s door there is a good reason. He is very loyal to
those that employ him until one of two conditions is met; he finishes
the job and is paid, the current employer tries to double cross him in
some fashion. This has earned him a reputation in the underworld. The
fact that he occasionally removes those he thinks needs removing on
his own is usually ignored due to his usefulness.

Background: David grew up in a series of foster homes. After abuse
and neglect after abuse and neglect he wound up in one last chance
type placement. It was there that the foster father and his eldest son
almost beat David to death. It was also there that his powers first
manifested. His ‘family’ was killed in furnace explosion, David
vanished into the streets. While he is not technically ‘wanted’ for
this event it is on his rap sheet. Since then he has taken the time to
explore his powers, establish a trade and try and make himself
comfortable. He tries to desguise the fact, but he is very protective
of children, espescially those from broken homes.

Stats & Skills: He is unusually, almost preternaturally, quick
reflex-wise and highly trained in the use of firearms. Additionally he
is a very competent knife fighter and hand to hand combatant, relying
on speed and accuracy rather than brute strength.

Powers: David has the ability to turn both intangible and
invisible. These powers are linked, he can’t do one without the other.
While invisible he can be picked up on infrared but will not trip
laser traps, etc. While intangible he is immune to physical effects of
all sorts and makes no sound. While intangible he can follow the
physical contours of things, climb stairs etc. but can also ignore
them (sink through floors for example). He can only move at base
movement while intangible, he cannot run.


[ Amused Mood: Amused ]
Man of the people and fighter of injustice the famous luchador Los Manos was out in a rare public appearance last night.

Seen here arriving to greet his fans.

As always with his gal and lady crusader against injustice, Beck (known on the boards as GlassSpider).

Still, Los Manos is foremost a man of the people, seen here speaking out against the forces of oppression and evil.

Remember, he is always working for you.

And while he is a man of action, Los Manos is also a man of deep thought and introspection.

But as long as he has like-minded crusaders by his side he will keep fighting the forces of wrong. Los Manos is on YOUR side!