
[ Neutral Mood: Neutral ]
The new fall season used to be cool, you know? You had great new shows to look forward to, nights spent in the tube glow of TV.

That’s all gone now. We have some new shows, but we watch them when we will because of TiVo or BitTorrent. Seasons are, more and more, becoming meaningless. The networks are slowly realizing this. When they grab this idea then, maybe, maybe, they will get the message.

The viewer dictates content.


[ Very Sad Mood: Very Sad ]
Look I knew this a couple of years ago but it is only really coming home now. Every girl that I look in a movie and think ‘wow, she’s hot’ is actually young enough to be my daughter (if I had any). That is an odd disconnect, I’m my head I am like 23 at the oldest. Body informs differently.

Still, I’m never going to look at hot chicks the same way again.
