The horror, the horror….

[ Amused Mood: Amused ]
Last night three of Team Cthulhu got to gether and declared war on one another with HorrorClix armies!

The armies were:

Me-2 Deep Ones, a Mi-Go and a Shoggoth

Craig-Boss Predator, 2 regular predators & Black Knight

GlassSpider-2 Ghosts, 3 Zombies, Rasputin & Jester

Here’s the initial lay out, I got stuck in the center which pretty much guaranteed my early demise.

I tried to cause some havok, which I largely failed at but it was fun.

Spidey geared for war!

Which was good because a couple rounds in she had deep ones at the door.

Close up of the carnage.

But it was a losing battle. Spidey and I fell to the sheer bad assedness of the predators.

Fun night for all in clix land!