Shot to the head!

[ Amused Mood: Amused ]
Another post game night report. We started out with a round of fantasy Munchkin. We added the dungeon expansion into the mix. It added a fun goofy element to the game. I’m not sure I would want to use it all the time but it would be fun every now and then.

We then decided to play TCI’s Zombies!!! using every expansion but ‘The End’ and ‘School’s Out’. So we had some crazy card mixes, the Mall, the Subways and the Military Base at our disposal.

The city started small.

With the four players heading out in different directions.

The town quickly grew all over the place, it was a good thing we had built an even bigger game table.

There was a lot of back and forth and eventually all three (!) helipads were in play. I came close to winning a few times only to be killed back to town square as did pretty much everyone else.

The city got absolutely huge by the end of the game.

With me running for the pad in the mall, Phil and Becky zipping through the subway to fight over the city heliport and the team of Craig and Katie making a run on the army base helicopter.

After several reversals of fortune and some serious zombie stomping one victor snaged the last flight out of town. The lovely and resourceful Becky (note styling Team Cthulhu bowling shirt).

It was one of the most fun games of Zombies!!! I’ve played in a long time. If we had one or two more players it would have been absolute chaos.

I think next game night we are going to see a return to more RPG style fare. For those curious about our crew more informaion can be found over at


[ Happy Mood: Happy ]
Today is Game Day!!!!

And I am whuppin’ up a big ol’ batch of blazin chili.

I believe on the agenda for tonight is Innsmouth Escape, maybe some Zombies!!!, and some other game TBD.

As always I will provide pictures.

The Pain

[ Shocked Mood: Shocked ]
I just mailed off my taxes. The queasiness has finally passed, I just wrote the largest check I have ever written in my entire life. While I understand a need to fund the infrastructure of society, the cheap scottish guy inside me hates to give away a dime to those people.

Well, at least it is finally over. Being self-employed is really great a lot of the time, this isn’t one of those.


Things not to be yelling when the music stops.

-Chopped up that prostitute!

-Mucus plug!

-Treatable STD!

-Wearing assless chaps!

-so that’s how I stole all that money!

-blood covered sex toy!

-shot him in the face!


I’ve never really understood the split between card gamers, role play gamers and board gamers. (I won’t even try to bridge the computer/tabletop divide here)

I love all three types of table games and can jump one to the other no problem. But there are board gamers that decry RPGers, card gamers that slam both of them…it is weird. It seems like the success of all of the tabletop games benefits the others.

Plus there seems to be an increasing synergy between the board and RPG worlds. There are more and more cooperative games popping up. Arkham Horror and Descent for example. WOTC 4E looks to be doing it even more, bringing its’ mini game more in line with its’ role playing properties.

I’m not sure if this is good or bad, but it does seem to be where the industry is drifting.

Drink Up!

This has nothing to do with genre, but I feel compelled to comment.

KD’s laws of bars.

1. The guy with the most nauseating cheap ass cigar will sit down next to you.

2. They braying pack of hyenas loud group of women will sit next to you.

3. Your beer will be on special, but will be lukewarm because they are selling so much of it.

4. If you find a haven of peace to drink in calm somebody will come over to babble at you about nothing.

5. Buy shots for no-one! Unless they buy one for you.

Set Sail!

[ Happy Mood: Happy ]
Here are a few pictures from the last pirates game.

This is close to the start of the second round. I am the large hunk of beef sitting at the end of the table.

We jazzed up the home islands a bit and started using iceberg and fog terrain pieces. Fog didn’t see a lot of use but the icebergs made several players nervous when they drifted too close.

At the end of this round everyone decided to ram Sherman’s big battlecruiser. Becky sailed up and started taking pot shots at the mob from a distance.

Instead of removing the sails for a hit we use the sticky strips you see. This helps reduce wear and tear on the already fragile masts.

It was a fun game night. I love that silly little pirates game.


Last game night we had two fairly massive and halarious back to back Pirates! games. I’ll have some pictures up for it here in a bit. But I have an aside to make. We had a problem player.

He was a bad loser, never contributed if someone made food for the group but was almost always first and last on whatever it was, constantly side tracked away from the rest of the group during RPGs, was loud and disruptive…in short, sucked. So I finally had had it and after talking with some of the rest of the group wrote him a polite email saying, essentially, ‘go away’. It proved to be a great thing. We had our core group of Team Cthulhu folk at the table Saturday and it was a really good time. I had forgotten how much fun game night was before the advent The Bad Player.

I suppose the rule is, if there is someone in the game group that is making your fun time a bad time then it is time to ask them to leave. I really don’t like playing the bad guy but in this case I was willing to take a hit for the team because I knew in the long run things would be better. And, hey, proof of concept, we had a great time firing cannons at one another on the high seas.
