Miscellaneous nerdery.

So pre-pictures of the HorrorClix Alien Queen have come out and I have to admit it looks nifty. With gross egg sac and all. In a fun little bit of innovation it is actually a two part figure. After the egg sac takes enough damage mama alien pops out on her own base with her own dial to run around and cause havok. Considering that the lab set has some suitable colonial marines type figures me and the game nerds have been talking about some space hulk and abandoned mining facility types of scenarios.

Game over man, game over!

On the Cthulhu front I’ve decided, after literally years of looking at and thinking about buying, dipping my toe in the world of the monograph. Some of the bound stuff I had read in pieces on the web (specifically the End Times stuff) and thought it was interesting enough to look for a more polished version of same. So I order some and am thinking of ordering more (Cthulhu Invictus has caught my eye). I’ll report back after I have a look at the stuff I’ve ordered.

In TV land:

The newest episode of the Dresden Files has given me a little hope for the series. It was a very, very loose adaptation of ‘Fool Moon’ but had a lot more of the feel of the books then the previous two episodes. Murphy actually showed some emotion, Bob had a fun scene while also showing that he is WAY more amoral then Harry and hot almost werewolf chicks. Victory all around.

LOST has been a bit underwhelming in its return. The Desmond episode was fun and had a nice twist ending but still something feels…off. I’m not sure what and I really hope the rest of the season picks up.

Jericho comes back this week, and CBS had a very nice season catch up clip show last week that did a good job of bring up all the plot points (and where there were a lot of them) of the first half of the season. Now 11 more new episodes in a row. I for one am really looking forward to it. What is going on with Hawkins?

Battlestar Galactica is still mired in soap opera land and seems to not know how to get out of it. I hope the trial of Baltar injects some more kick assery into this midseason slump.

All I know is that until Dexter comes back for its second season there will be a little empty place in my heart.


I picked up the first issue of The Dark Tower and I have to say I am really happy with it. The art is fantastic and they are doing something I didn’t expect, telling the story of the gunslinger in chronological order. They begin in Gilead-that-was with the testing of the young Roland and the betrayal of his mother. It goes forward from there to Mejis and the big coffin hunters. I really look forward to seeing where this goes.