Up for review

[ Happy Mood: Happy ]
I have a stack of things for review. First up is Apocalypse Prevention, inc. Followed by Bounty Head Bebop (This one I dread because it is very much an attempt at a rip off of IP), then I am going to tear into Modern 20 and all the supplements I got sent (although probably more into the core system than anything else).

After that me and my friend Craig wil check out and review of an on the cheap fantasy battle system.

Keep your eyes open.


You find yourself in a cold field standing over a rapidly cooling body. The gun feels almost as uncomfortable in your hand as the can of gas in the trunk of your car is about to. Still burning is the only way, he has a lot of tatoos and you already used the hammer to knock all the teeth out. You taught this son of a bitch a lesson and set your house in order. Her body is next. You think, maybe the lake, and smile. The gun slides in your pocket soft and gentle.

strong feelings

Things I have excessive feelings about that are probably out of scale for what they are.

In the love column
The Venture Brothers
Cream Soda
Groo the Wanderer
Dominoes (game not the pizza)

In the hate column
The word ‘bro-mance’
The TMZ tv show
cottage cheese
Mondays (well, me and the Boomtown Rats both)

between the stars

[ Neutral Mood: Neutral ]
Fading Suns won. We had a card game game night last night and played a lot of Grave Diggers from Outer Space. We’ve got a Brother Battle and an Guilder Engineer on deck, others want to read the rules before coming up with characters. Once they do I will introduce the ship and the first mission.

After that we are going to do a board game type night. I’ll take pictures to share with all you all. Craig and I lamented the loss of HorrorClix but came to a realization. Soon everyone will be able to buy the game for cheap and we can ALL go to town with it. So an upside to a suck situation. Same with Pirates! Another fun game WizKKids made.


[ Neutral Mood: Neutral ]
I’m gathering together the strands of ideas for a Fading Suns campaign. I had fun playing Wild Talents but I’m not certain our GM is in synch with Team Cthulhu’s style. We’re going to give him one more session but if it is the same as the previous ones I think we are going to shift over to something else. We like the guy as a player and he definitely adds to our dynamic, but as a GM I don’t think he really understands what we are all about. This leads to some frustration for him and us. Hopefully he will play in what follows his game.

I’m advocating Fading Suns. I really love the FS universe and want to run around in it some more. I’ve never had a chance to GM it, only play so this is something else I’ve wanted to do. The group will be a team of trouble shooters working for the empire. They will have a pretty broad mandate and some legal enforcement powers. The group could include members from any faction and any race, I think the players will enjoy that.

So we’ll see, I’m not going to beat the Team up with my want to play FS, if they want to head in a different direction I’d be fine with it. There is some talk of wanting to play BRP Call of Cthulhu End Times or Cthulhu Rising.

Change is fun where gaming is concerned.