German Tourists Suck

Here’s why.

There are some stories about horrible German tourists in New York, google’em.

My uncles had a nice tour of Germany back in the 40s…


Oh, In other news I <3 Ubuntu. They sent me a free install disk and a bunch of stickers FROM EUROPE! The backers of Ubuntu rule, I am setting up a machine on my network yesterday.

Modern Gaming

Sheesh, getting modern/figs/counters/etc for current day gaming is a real pain in the behind. I just got a set of Battlefield Evolution US Marines from Noble Knight (who completely rule in every way a good on line biz should). They are wonderful scuplted pre painted figs, if you want some get them now because from what I am hearing Mongoose is going to quit making them. I got some other counters from Fiery Dragon and SJGames.

Still why is it so amazingly hard to find anything for modern era games? It has been a struggle to get stuff for my Dresden Files-esque Cinematic Unisystem game. Friend Craig has a similar struggle finding anything for his Year of the Zombie game. This shouldn’t be this hard.



Here’s a sick question for you guys to research. It has been proven on multiple occasions that human beings can approach or hit 1 ton in weight. What if water was involved? The person was allowed to be boyant and chemical balances were observed to ensure no ulceration of skin. How enormous could a human get in those circumstances?

Past that, how much even more so in an environment with no gravity like the ISS?

I’m thinking about something for a game.


I’m thinking about the big issues.

-Can ‘Baby Got Back’ be played non-ironically ever again?

-Is there a way during an abduction to let the aliens know you’d like to pass on the probing?

-Is it even possible to prove beyond the shadow of a doubt that a photo or video is authentic anymore?

-I’m actually glad there isn’t a way currently to record and play back my dreams.

-Why aren’t they working on a genemod super-pepper?

Making Worlds

[ Neutral Mood: Neutral ]
I’m putting together a game for my SO and maybe one or two more people using the cinematic Unisystem from Angel (with The Magic Box and Monster Smackdown from Buffy to fill out things) that is essentially a Dresden Files game with the name removed. I want to mirror certain elements from the books without mimicing them completely and I want to put my own spin on things. Obviously this is a supernatural behind the scenes type game so it will have a lot of those tropes. But the first step is to figure out who the major players and organizations in this world and put names and descriptions on them.

The Quiet

This is the organization composed of the magic using folks of the world; witches, ritual magicians, street shaman, you name it. They don’t require a specific approach to magic just that it is used. They have a code that they strictly follow, the core tenents of which are: try not to alert the main stream society to the presence of the supernatural, police the use of magic when it violates the first rule. To do this they have agents (who use magic) and vigilants (who don’t) to enforce their policies and fight their battles. To an extent they also try and control/combat other supernatural threats in order to keep humanity in the dark. They have an uneasy truce with the Syndicate.

The Syndicate

There has always been some sort of organization among the vampire community but it didn’t become completely formalized until the mid-19th century. The heads of several of the major clans, cabals and what have you of the vampire community banded together in order to exert greater control over vampire society as a whole. They modeled this after the emerging human companies and corporations they saw forming. They used the Syndicate to manage their daytime affairs, provide gaurds and manpower and increase the overall wealth of the vampire community at large. They are more interested in money and comfort than hunting and killing and tend to live the lives of a commited sybarite. One dark side of the group is their eradication of problem causing or even fractious vampires. This has allowed them to form a shaky truce with the Quiet, who used to hunt and kill them without exception.

The Underground

The shapeshifting and demonic types have tried, as hard as possible, to vanish into the woodwork. Sure a rogue will pop up now and then, but the majority want to avoid the halls of the Syndicate (who wish to enslave them) and the houses of the Quiet (who routinely kill them). Also, some rogue members of Syndicate and Quiet have made their way Underground and try to stay off the radar while persuing their own agendas. They have cell-like structures in some areas, sprawling gang-style communities in others. It varies wildly.

There are other minor players and powers out there, but this is the big three to start.