Send War Rocket Ajax to Bring Back His Body

[ Confused Mood: Confused ]
The new Flash Gordon started on Friday, and God does it suck. It has the budget and acting of those Sorbo-Hercules knock-offs from the late 90’s. We have our big review here, but I wanted to post my few brief thoughts on it.

Ming might as well have been a cardboard cut-out. Dale was our generic "tough reporter gal." Flash has half the acting talent that Sorbo has (Sorbo can, at times, be charming), and he and Dale have the obligatory "will-they/won’t-they" relationship going. Flash and Dale both have minority sidekicks whom seem to be close friends, yet both are ditched quite swiftly and never mentioned again. And the guy doing Zarkov seems to have two facial expressions.

The Sci-Fi channel went with this, instead of the BSG spin-off Caprica. My guess is that there are two different sets of executives at Sci-Fi: the ones who green-lit buying Dr. Who, Farscape and BSG, and the ones who green-lit this, Ghost Hunters, Crossing Over and canceled Farscape. Somehow, we must find and eliminate the second group.