It Is Mine!

[ Reading What Else? Currently: Reading What Else? ]
I have The Book. I shall be reading for the next few hours, and will post when I’m done.

I am so not built for standing in line for an hour anymore. Ow.

Thankfully, there were no bozos going by yelling spoilers, which happened for Half-Blood Prince. Which is good, because if they had, I’d have had to chase the idiots down and used unforgiveable curses on their asses with my wand, which is made from a tire iron. It would go something like:





Anyway, I was hoping it was going to be a big book, and it’s 759 pages. Yea!

The cover’s still dull, the Brittish "Adult" cover is better. I mean, look for yourself:

See, it’s just . . . classier.


At 06:55pm on Saturday the 21st, I completed The Book. Sleep claims me, to dreams of Hogwarts.


[ Cool Mood: Cool ]
The first teaser website for a movie coming out next year is up. So far, all it has is a logo that will let you email the character that runs the site.

Never Compromise.

I’m hoping this movie doesn’t suck. So far, at least, they’ve got his look right:

If they don’t screw it up, this movie will blow people’s minds.