Hey You Hoopy Froods!

[ Cool Mood: Cool ]
Do you know where your towel is? Celebrate the life of Douglas Adams, honor his birthday, and mark his memory by carrying a towel with you today.

He felt that his whole life was some kind of dream and he sometimes wondered whose it was and whether they were enjoying it..
– Douglas Adams

Marvel/DC, Round Two

[ Sleepy Mood: Sleepy ]
Well, the guy who did that last batch of Mac/PC parody ads (which I showed everyone here ) with Spider-Man and Superman has a new batch of vids. They’re even funnier than the last set, and this time Marvel takes a few shots as well.

Watch and enjoy.

You Two Must Have a lot in Common

They Used to Love Me

You Just Had to Bring Up the Krytonite Mountain

You’re Friends With That Clown?

Villain Edition!

These vids show that everything is better with Batman.

Hello Mr. J!

[ Amused Mood: Amused ]
It looks like Warner is going to really push their viral net presence for The Dark Knight.

First off, go here and get a look at Harvey Dent.

Then go here, and get your first look at the Joker. Wait about five or ten seconds for the dissolve.

If you decide to put in your email address, you get an email directly from Mr. J that gives you one more pixel to remove from the pic. It’s mostly clear now, but who wouldn’t want a letter from the Joker?

For more fun, reply to that email and see what happens then.

Now, personally, I’m not a fan of the Joker having a mangled face that gives him a permanent smile. He really doesn’t need it, and when written right, he’s scary enough. If they follow The Killing Joke, the stress of his "really bad day" along with the chemical bath that gave him his chalk white skin and green hair would be enough to dive him batty…as it were.

Hell, look at the way they did Joker in the Dead End fanfilm. He had no scared mouth, and they nailed his look, as well as his and Bat’s relationship.

But, Burton gave Nicholson the scared up face, and it looks like Joker’s getting it now in the comics as well, thanks to Morrison, so what can you do?

Between this cool bit of internet attention, and how much I enjoyed Begins, I’m still looking forward to the new movie, despite my misgivings on Puddin’s looks.

Build More Overlords!!!

[ Hypnotized Mood: Hypnotized ]
[ Watching Teaser Trailers Currently: Watching Teaser Trailers ]
Okay, now this is just not fair! How am I supposed to get anything done? Damn you Blizzard! I finally start being able to pull myself away from City of Heroes, get out of my house and see my friends again, and you have to announce the release of Starcraft II?!

You bastards! I’ve never fully kicked the habit of the first one! I’ve still got the Brood War CD within easy reach and my games still saved on my backup hard drive!

Not to mention all of my DVD’s and blood I’ll have to sell to get a hot new top of the line computer so I can play this beast, based on the gameplay trailer. The new Zurgling rush looks amazingly detailed. I can hear my CPU crying already.

At least it’s not another MMO. I think my wallet would have strangled me.

Now, if I could ever convince them to do a crossover game with Dawn of War…Zurg vs Orc…Tau vs Protos…I think my nerdgasam would be able to be seen from orbit.

Everyone Loves a List

[ Sleepy Mood: Sleepy ]
[ Listening to www.Pandora.com Currently: Listening to www.Pandora.com ]
Well, as always, EW has a new Top (Number) list, this time, it’s the Top 25 Sci-Fi Movies & TV Shows of the Last 25 Years. This was pointed out to me by friend of the site Dr. Amy Sturgis, and I have to quote her here:

I’ll be honest: when I found Starship Troopers on the list, I stopped reading.

Well, as is my duty as a reviewer, I have plunged in and read the whole list. Overall, not too bad. I leave the glaring omissions for everyone to discuss. There’s also plenty to argue about over list placement (Firefly higher, ST: TNG lower).

As usual, EW made each entry a separate page. Have to get those click-through up, you know. If you want to see the list with their comments, you can catch it here.

But, to save you time, I present their list here, with my comments.

25. V: THE MINISERIES (1983) Created by Kenneth Johnson

Mmmm, lizard overlords.

24. GALAXY QUEST (1999) Directed by Dean Parisot

By Grabthar’s Hammer, it’s the second-best Trek movie ever.

23. DOCTOR WHO (1963-Present) Developed by Sydney Newman

Season Three can’t start soon enough.

22. QUANTUM LEAP (1989-1993) Created by Donald P. Bellisario

Ahhh Sam, how could you suck so hard as a Starship captain?

21. FUTURAMA (1999-2003) Created by Matt Groening and David X. Cohen

Their episode where we see what happened to Fry’s dog still reduces me to a blubbering fool.

20. STAR WARS: CLONE WARS (2003-2005) Directed by Genndy Tartakovsky

If the prequels had only been half as kick-ass as these, I’d have been a happy geek.

19. STARSHIP TROOPERS (1997) Directed by Paul Verhoeven

I can hear Shane’s head exploding from here.

18. HEROES (2006-Present) Created by Tim Kring

This is the stuff! I could main-line it.

17. ETERNAL SUNSHINE OF THE SPOTLESS MIND (2004) Directed by Michel Gondry

I’m the Fifth Dentist. I didn’t care for it, or for Kaufman’s other movies either.

16. TOTAL RECALL (1990) Directed by Paul Verhoeven

You got Arnold in my thoughtful Sci-Fi!

15. FIREFLY/SERENITY (2002/2005) Created by Joss Whedon

Big Damn Heroes.

14. CHILDREN OF MEN (2006) Directed by Alfonso CuarĂ³n

I still have trouble believing this movie made it out of the studios intact.

13. THE TERMINATOR/ TERMINATOR 2 (1984 /1991) Directed by James Cameron

The only woman more bad-ass than Ms. Connor is Ms. Ripley.

12. BACK TO THE FUTURE (1985) Directed by Robert Zemeckis

I still want a car with gull-wing doors.

11. LOST (2004-Present) Created by J.J. Abrams and Damon Lindelof

Oh, finish this show already, Abrams.

10. THE THING (1982) Directed by John Carpenter

This is Carpenter’s best. Even stacked against They Live.

9. ALIENS (1986) Directed by James Cameron

Extended director’s cut for the win.

8. STAR TREK: THE NEXT GENERATION (1987-1994) Created by Gene Roddenberry and Rick Berman

How the hell does Berman get a creator credit? Gene created it, then hired Berman on to be the new show runner. He had nothing to do with making the show, but everything to do with killing the franchise.

7. E.T. (1982) Directed by Steven Spielberg

I’ve still not forgiven Spielberg for making the guns into radios.

6. BRAZIL (1985) Directed by Terry Gilliam

DeNiro as plumber. That is science fiction.

5. STAR TREK II: THE WRATH OF KHAN (1982) Directed by Nicholas Meyer

Best Trek ever. Why can’t anyone write something this awesome again?

4. THE X-FILES (1993-2002) Created by Chris Carter

Filking Starlight people, my ass. Still, for John Dogget, ass-kicker of the unknown, it should be here, just lower. A lot lower.

3. BLADE RUNNER (1982) Directed by Ridley Scott

I love this movie, but aren’t three versions of it just too much?

2. BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (2003-Present) Developed by Ronald D. Moore

18 months between seasons?! Mother-Fracker!

1. THE MATRIX (1999) Directed by the Wachowski brothers

This movie keeps getting worse, every time I watch it. Yea, it has some good bits, but overall it keeps deteriorating when I watch it anew. Should be on the list, but not at the top. For the suck-sequels if nothing else it should be lower.

So, your thoughts, my fellow Revolutionaries?


[ Sleepy Mood: Sleepy ]
With Spider-Man 3 arriving in about 48 hours, there’s a flood of interesting bits with the Wall-crawler coming out. Especially from the fan community. So, I thought that I’d share something I found.

God bless the internet, you used to have to go to conventions and waste hours watching crappy VHS tapes to find this kind of fun stuff.

These are some of the best parodies ever of the current Mac/PC ads. You know, the ones with the kid from Jeepers Creepers and the "Resident Expert" guy from The Daily Show. With a comic book twist. I present, Spider-Man and Superman:

Welcome Back to the Movies

A Little Homework Never Hurt Anyone

When Did That Happen in the Comics?

It’s Different in This Movie