The Other Worlds Austin 2017 preview Day 4

Design by tattoo and graphics artist David Poe

Returning for a fourth exciting year, Other Worlds Austin, one of the premier SciFi Film Festivals in the US, features some of the best and unheralded genre films. Beginning on Thursday December 7 at Flix Brewhouse, the four day event includes 16 full length films, a slew of shorts, and a screenwriting workshop. Not terribly surprising to anyone who regularly follows my writings, I’ll be at there.

Here’s what to expect at Other Worlds Austin 2017.


Sunday, December 10


Toshihisa Yokoshima | Japan | 45min

Writer: Toshihisa Yokoshima
Cast: Yuuki Takada, Sawako Hata, Mutsuki Iwanaka, Masaki Terasoma,Yoshiko Kamei,Yayoi Nakazawa

There is a world in which an endless rain of dark ash fills the sky, and covers the earth. Bundled up in their protective suits and hidden away behind their masks, humanity has fled deep within the underground. This is the story of the children growing up in this fearful world, and two boys who join a recovery team that ventures out to the outside world.

(Animated, Japanese with English subtitles)