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Pecos Jake, the El Paso Kid
The second of five children born to a rural west Texas land agent. Both parents and all the younger siblings are dead now, but his older sister is still alive. They argue all the time, but when Gold Fever struck and he insisted on heading to the frontier with the next cattle drive, he promised to send her $240 to cover a family debt that's due in only five months.

They say that in the Black Horse Range War of 1868, Pecos Jake killed ten men in three days.

Vitals: Age 19, right-handed, 5'10" tall, 180 lbs.

Abilities: Str 14/88, Int 14/41, Wis 11/41, Dex 14/04 (currently 13/04), Con 9/69, Lks 10/01, Cha 12/52.

Other Statistics: Hit points 22, Speed +1, Accuracy +6, Reputation 51 (Reputation Points 28), Fame 33, BPs 23.

Skills: Animal Herding 13, Appraisal (business/land) 13, Bronc Busting 15, Deception 14, Escape Artist 18, Gambling 17, Glean Information 15, Reading Comprehension 16, Riding 15, Sneaking 18.

Talents: Deadly Shot, Veteran Gunfighter (7).

Quirks and Flaws: Nosy, Obnoxious.

Injuries: Shoulder wound, 6 hp, temporarily –2 Str and –1 Dex; chest wound, 6 hp, broken bone, temporarily –3 Str.

Colt Bisley .45 single-action revolver with 7.5" barrel: Draw speed +1, accuracy +1, damage 1D6+1, six shots, reload speed 10/cartridge.

Winchester 1866 .40 lever-action carbine: Draw speed +1, accuracy +0, damage 1D10+1, nine shots, reload speed 10/cartridge.