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Antoine Beaujoureaux
The youngest of 11 children born to a Quebec farmer. Mother and five siblings are dead, but his father is still alive (he never remarried) as are two brothers and three sisters. Antoine is very close to the oldest brother, close to the other brother, argues often with two of the sisters and is bitter enemies with the third sister.

Vitals: Age 37, left-handed, 5'10" tall, 165 lbs.

Abilities: Str 10/28, Int 12/55, Wis 10/08, Dex 7/55, Con 13/53, Lks 10/20, Cha 8/82.

Other Statistics: Hit points 24, Speed +7, Accuracy +1, Reputation 32 (Reputation Points 22), Fame 15, BPs 17.

Skills: Animal Lore 12, Boating 14, Camouflage 14, Hunting 13, Intimidate 12, Language: English 12, Leatherworking 7, Listening 14, Observation 14, Prospecting 14, Riding 11, Searching 14, Set Traps 7, Skinning/Tanning 14, Slaughter 14, Survival 14, Tracking 14, Weather Sense 14.

Talents: Tough as Nails, Veteran Gunfighter (4).

Quirks and Flaws: Abstinent (gambling), Ornery.

Spencer .52 lever-action carbine: Draw speed +3, accuracy +0, damage 1D8+1, seven shots, reload speed 35 first cartridge/10 thereafter.

Colt .45 Single-Action Army revolver: Draw speed +1, accuracy +0, damage 1D6+1, reload speed 10.

Bowie knife: Ready count 1, attack count 4, recover count 2, damage 1D4.