Great Moms of Classic Sci-Fi : Godzilla (1998)

Godzilla (1998)

Mothers appear in every shape and every size.

They even appear in shapes none of us expected or wanted, when we were totally used to and big fans of the shape this person had been in for decades.

But sometimes moms have to be willing to change.

Even if that change means into a creature that lays eggs and looks like a pet iguana, but bigger.

The eggs had tinier lizards in them, all of whom also looked like irritating, oddly shaped lizards.

Moms think all their children are beautiful. Even if their children are lizards that also don’t look anything like what we usually think the mom looked like.

We have to give credit to this 1998 mama Godzilla. She was just trying to protect her babies from Ferris Bueller.

If only poor Cameron’s parents could have done that.

Danke schoen, 1998 Godzilla. Danke schoen.

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