Movie Probe: Prodigy (2018)

Movie Probe eliminates troublesome freedom of choice from your movie watching experience. Prodigy is good. Watch it now. See? Totally easy. 

Prodigy (2018) 

Watch this movie with a friend, preferably one who is not easily terrified.

Prodigy is a thriller starring an analyst talking to a creepy kid. Well, that’s how it starts.

It’s the kind of story that might have been at home in 20-something minutes on The Twilight Zone. But here, it plays out slowly over the course of a feature-length span. It’s not padded; it’s deliberately drawn out, exploring all the angles of the Creepy Kid-style story.

However, unlike the usual method in those movies  — showing zany examples of how crazy the kid is– it delves into the psychology of it all.

It’s deep human drama laced with horror and sci-fi that I was not at all expecting.

Savannah Liles, who plays the kid, is a superstar. She is terrifying. I mean that as a compliment.

The film is essentially a two-person discussion. It could be a stage play. The analyst and the kid put on a master-class performance that evolves and unravels .

 In other words, see this now. Do it. Have you seen it yet?

Prodigy will be available on iTunes March 13. 


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