

Taking another look at classic comic book series

Posts filed under Werewolves

Swamp Thing #38-40

“Hey! You broke your glass! Y’got blood all over your hands …” “I shouldn’t worry yourself about it, Frank. I’m sure it won’t be the last.”   Issues 38 and 39 see Swamp Thing head out of Louisiana following Constantine’s directions to meet him in Rosewood, Illinois. This town was completely submerged by the actions… (read more)

Swamp Thing #37

“I said I’d tell the people your missus works for about her sleeping arrangement. I’m a nasty piece of work, chief. Ask anybody.” And with those words John Constantine introduces himself to Swamp Thing. While that was the  introduction of Constantine to Swamp Thing, he had actually been introduced to readers 12 pages earlier in… (read more)

Getting ready

So I have spent a little time doing some research on Constantine’s appearances in DC/Vertigo comics and I came across the Ultimate Hellblazer Index by John Goodrich. John has constructed a timeline of John’s career rather than his appearances (though for a lot of it is the same thing). He has pulled in a lot… (read more)