Hello, Frequent Player of RevolutionSF Contests!


Do you play any of the four (4) RevolutionSF contests on a regular basis? Sci-Ku? Funny List? Six Degrees? Sci-Fi Theorizer?

Have you done so for a long time?

Are you frustrated, impertinent, and/or otherwise nonplussed at our abject negligence of updating point totals? Because with those precious, rarely-updated points,  we told you that you could win something. Well, we will. But we need your help.

If you think you have enough points to win something, tell us about it. We are here to treat you like the Frequent Player of RevolutionSF contests that you are.

Here's what you do:

1) Whip yourself up an e-mail.

2) Write within it the e-mail address that you most frequently compete under.

3) Go to the Never-Updated List of RevolutionSF Prizes.

4) Is there anything you want there?

5) Tell us what that is.

6) Send this mail to us at humor@revolutionsf.com.

We will determine if you have enough of the points to get what you covet. If so, it's all yours. Then you may return to your Frequent Player ways with our compliments. If not, you can pick something else.

We haven't forgotten about your non-frequent playing brethren. They are treasured members of our hive-mind as well. But this isn't for them. Dad-gum it, this is for you.

These are your orders. Please execute them at your convenience. That is all.