Old Tingo's Penis


Geoffrey A. Landis


You have to understand that we Dhameo people were here first. The other people came here later -- we don't know where they came from, they just showed up -- but we Dhameo were first, so we know stories from the old days, like the story of how old Tingo lost his penis.

Back in those days, things weren't like they are now. There was some weird shit in those days. For example, back then men didn't have any penises yet. Nothing, just a flat spot between their legs. The women had to make their fun with each other, but since they didn't have anything to compare to, that was okay.

Old Tingo wasn't a god -- nobody had heard about gods yet in those days, that's something the people who showed up later told us about. But old Tingo was sure some old; he could remember back before there were any other people, before there were any mountains or rivers or trees, back when there was nothing of the world but grey fog. Yes, there are a lot of stories about old Tingo. Anyway, one day old Tingo decided that he would make himself a penis. It was a little thing, about the size of a peanut, but old Tingo was pretty pleased with himself, and went around showing it off to all the women. "What's that?" the women would ask, and old Tingo would say "It's a new thing, I made it myself." And then the woman might ask, "What's it good for?" and old Tingo would offer to demonstrate.

After a while, that woman Aminea came to hear about old Tingo's new thing, and she went over to see Tingo and ask him about it. Now, Aminea was not old like Tingo, but she knew a thing or two, and right as soon as she saw it, she could figure out what it would be good for. But she pretended she didn't know, and she got old Tingo to demonstrate for her, and she thought, yes, this is a good thing. And afterwards, she said to Tingo, this is a good thing you have made up, you should let me borrow it for a while. And Tingo wasn't sure that this would be a smart idea, but he couldn't think of a good reason to say no, and besides, right then he was feeling all relaxed, so he gave it to her and said, please take care of it, and be sure you don't lose it.

So that clever woman Aminea used Tingo's penis for a while, and after a while she loaned it to one of the other women, and you know how it goes, they passed it around from one to another to another. Then after a few days Aminea had an idea, and she found who had the penis and borrowed it back, and then what did she do but go and hide it.

So when old Tingo came to see Aminea, and asked for his penis back, she told him, oh, it was around somewhere, but she didn't remember where it was. Old Tingo started to get a little mad, but Aminea knew how to deal with him, and she told him what a good thing that penis he had made was, and why doesn't he make another one? But this time, she added, he should make it a little bigger, so it wouldn't be so easy to lose.

So old Tingo made himself another penis, this one about as big as your little finger, and he was mighty proud of it, too. He told himself, this one is even better than the first one I made, and the women he demonstrated it to all agreed. And after a while he had to go brag to that clever woman Aminea about how good it was, and she said to herself, yes, this is a very good thing. And afterwards, she said to Tingo, this is a good thing you have made up, if you could let me borrow it for a while, I promise I won't lose it this time. And she remembered not to laugh when she said this, because of course she had no intention of returning it.

So old Tingo gave her the penis, and she passed it around to her friends, and then after a while, when she thought old Tingo might be coming back for it, she went and hid it with the first one. And old Tingo came, and she told him, oh, it's around here somewhere, but I can't remember where I put it. Why don't you make another one for yourself, but make it just a little bigger, so it won't be so easy to misplace.
